Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring/Summer Hockey by Coach Vic LeMire

Bringing out the Fishing Rod or the Skate Blades … an adventurous choice to say the least!

You are now well into planning your spring/summer hockey activities with great expectations of having FUN. You will be meeting new players and new friends and families from all over as you join these teams! That is awesome and are just some of the benefits of playing hockey after your regular season finishes. Hopefully, your school grades are STILL amongst the best in your class and you are also keeping your bedroom clean (well, at least somewhat organized … LOL )!

However …somewhere in your closet is that awesome fishing pole and new fishing reel that your Grand Pa gave you last Christmas. The lakes are all thawed and the weather is soooo nice and mild. That river is high and the water is fresh and filled with plenty of fish, or maybe it’s the baseball field that is filling your wish list in anticipation of playing some quality ball. You know where your glove and your favorite bat is stored and it just might be time to rustle it up and get your Mom &/or Dad, along with your sister (YES) to play some pick-up baseball down at the community park!

I’m certain you can begin to tell exactly where I’m headed with this most important article.

The HUGE mistake many, many families have made in recent years is to keep their young hockey players “on the ice” 12 months per year! That would include : the regular hockey season, playoffs, spring hockey, summer hockey, summer hockey schools etc . . .

Then the “cycle” is ready to begin all over again! … It’s true, you can literally be on the ice every day of the year if you want to be (if you can afford it). Studies have shown that young players can participate in hockey for at least 18 months straight without significant detrimental affects; however, it has also been shown, with a great deal of certainty, that participating in one specific sport for much more continuous time than 18 straight months, WILL inevitably lead to “Burn Out” and even worse … (permanent distaste for that particular activity).

Playing Hockey ALL year long is WRONG!!!

Do not get caught up in all the rhetoric and unhealthy exuberance that far too many young and ambitious hockey coaches have as they attempt to fulfill “their” own dreams and desires!

Although these “Teachers of Hockey” are somewhat well intending, You . . . as responsible Parents, must become informed about the proper growth of your child in hockey as well as every other aspect of your child’s life and growth!

Don’t get fooled by what the “masses” are doing! Choose for your own family’s best interest. There are literally dozens and dozens of other great activities that a hockey player can and should do to both compliment and reinforce ones continued interest in hockey!

I shall break down, for you, just some of the options you should consider:

1) Activities that directly compliment Hockey development.
a) Weight lifting programs
b) Track and field training
c) Running programs such as racquetball and squash
d) Wrestling training and fitness program
e) Boxing training and fitness program
f) Balance, stretching & fitness programs such as aerobic workouts
g) Figure skating and edge control
h) Rollerblading
i) Bike riding
j) Swimming

Note … Avoid full contact sports such as Football, Soccer or Rugby Snow skiing, Snow boarding and also Extreme Sports like extreme rollerblading, extreme bike riding and skate boarding …

BUT, if you also have the propensity to want to experience FULL CONTACT Fly Fishing . . . (and believe ME, I’ve seen exactly THAT while fly fishing for all those beautiful Sockeye Salmon on the world famous Kenai River in Alaska . . . ) Ya just might reconsider . . . LOL!

The point being is to stay fit and flexible while enjoying many other wonderful games and activities as well as doing activities that help develop the same muscles that one uses in hockey! Many of these other activities are very well suited in becoming strong family activities!

2) Activities that indirectly compliment hockey development.
a) Fishing
b) Camping
c) Family outings
d) Community repairs - both voluntary and paid
e) Home repair and renovations
f) Computer education and development
g) Cheering on Your Sister’s activities
h) Helping Hand Programs for the misfortunate
i) Public Speaking opportunities
j) Hockey Coaching (assistant)

Each and every one of these activities WILL help each hockey player and his/her family in becoming “well-rounded” in good character - solidifying great family values as well as removing many of the “pressures” of athletic competition one finds when playing the great game of hockey!

With every competitive moment comes an emotional build up and physical exertion, which, by it’s very own nature, brings test, after test, after test to the athlete . As such, each child must learn to both build up their confidence as well as find time and activities to savor their great performances with relaxing (preferably family) endeavors!

As a FAMILY, it’s highly recommended you bring a complete short range and long range diversified goals program into your hockey player’s development. Allow for any revisions along the way according to how one’s education is progressing and also according to one’s social behavior development as well!

Let us look at a few of the examples from above and discuss their exact benefit(s) to a hockey player.

i) BOXING . . .
Although your young child is playing minor hockey at this moment, it’s prudent to realize that should their hockey career advance to the Elite levels of this great game, they will be well advised to learn how to protect themselves! The nature of the Elite game is such that your hockey playing child WILL be faced with those moments where a challenge will arrive. I am not advocating one to become a violent person, precisely the opposite! Just like I encourage players to learn how to protect themselves from those SOLID body checks . . . I also encourage players to learn how to defend themselves from those BIG Right Hooks!

Secondly, you will have to really search far and wide to find another sport that requires as much physical fitness training as Boxing! Believe me, after 3 to 6 months of workouts, one will be in shape after training with a boxer or a wrestler!

ii) Weightlifting . . .
Well known are the benefits of a properly designed weightlifting program. When properly designed, increasing ones body strength and bulk becomes a huge advantage to their hockey performance. Particularly, any and all workouts dealing with the growth of your legs and leg muscles and flexibility are encouraged!

iii) Figure Skating (edge control) . . .
Incorporated within this form of activity is Power Skating! If you are NOT prepared to become the BEST skater on your Team and even in your League . . . then also be prepared to stop playing high caliber hockey after your Bantam or High School years! Simple as that!

iv) Community development . . .
Once one experiences the positive emotions received from helping an elderly person cut their grass or go shopping for them or painting their fence is experienced . . . you will see a major “Character” change take place!

v) Coaching (assistant) . . .
The same can be said for those of you who offer your free time to “give back” to the game! You will find very good friendships develop and meet some great young kids who will put great perspective into your own game!
Don’t be surprised to look up into the stands and see many of the younger kids YOU coached watching and cheering you on!

Once you revise your Yearly campaign and include several of these extra-curricular activities to your life . . . you will find that playing Hockey IS always going to be so very much more exciting and rewarding. You will also find that you will become a much better athlete and have a much stronger character presence within you!

Make sure you take pictures of that “record” size fish ya just caught and release “the athlete” back to its own game field! Have FUN!

Yours in Hockey
Coach Vic

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