Thursday, January 20, 2011

Is there a scholarship available for me???? IN ONE WORD ……..YES

Hi, my name is Ross Beebe (Global Sports Camp Educational Advisor). I have been doing this kind of work for approximately 12 years now. I have seen the many ups and downs that young hockey players go thru in order to achieve their goal of playing at the college level. We are going to have a monthly blog to help you with your quest. If you have any questions that would would like featured on our blog please call me at 604-858-4747 or email me at

Should anybody have any questions or concerns, please contact me and we will talk them over.

Is there a scholarship available for me???? IN ONE WORD ……..YES

1.First of all, you must be an excellent athlete. You don’t have to be the best player on your team, but there can’t be any doubt that you will be able to play at the college level.

2.You must be a good student to be admitted. College coaches won’t base their scholarship decisions on your grades, but if bad grades keep you out of the college, they can certainly keep you from playing college hockey.

What requirements do I need to be able to practice, play and get a scholarship at a Canadian or American school?

Prospective Student-Athlete Action Plan Academic Checklist

Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS)

❏ Grade Twelve Diploma - Graduate from high school
❏ CIS University Entrance Requirements

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

❏ Grade Twelve Diploma – Graduate from high school
❏ NCAA University Entrance Requirements - Complete a minimum of 16 core courses; - Present a minimum grade-point average (GPA) in those 16 core courses
❏ ACT/SAT’s - Register with the NCAA Eligibility Centre, and present a qualifying test score on either the ACT or SAT test

Student athletes with learning disabilities: a model for effective support

The evolution of the intercollegiate student-athlete has made great changes and progress towards becoming a whole student and a complete athlete, not one or the other. The redefinition of intercollegiate athletics has taken on the primary focus of creating stronger academic and personal support services for student-athletes

Six Tips On How Athletes - Can Maximize Their Opportunities

As an education consultant, I come across many players and parents who are very confused about the recruiting process, thus failing to maximize their opportunities to play college hockey.I believe that the following tips will help any players chances.

•Improve your grades! Regardless of how good they are. Many athletes have had a lot of golden doors closed to them because of ordinary grades

•Register with the NCAA Eligibility Centre while in Grade 11 before writing you're SATs/ACTs

•Take the SAT/ACT while in Grade Eleven (11), and if needed, a second writing in your Grade Twelve (12) year. To receive a scholarship you must do well on the SAT. If you have trouble with standardized tests, consider taking a SAT prep course. I have an excellent online prep course for students from the Fraser Valley Distance Education Centre at no cost to you

•Contact coaches of Colleges or Universities that you are interested in. During your Grade Twelve (12) year, coaches are more likely to recruit athletes who have shown interest in them

•NCAA rules prohibit colleges from calling high school athletes until after their Grade Eleven (11) year. Anytime a coach expresses an interest in you, it’s a good idea to call him to learn more about the college/university and its program.Be PROACTIVE RATHER THAN REACTIVE

•Return ‘all’ questionnaires sent to you by the colleges

Ross Beebe is the Global Sports Camp NCAA Policy Advisor. If you have questions you can call 604-858-4747 or cell 604-819-5445

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